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Songwriters at the Library, Glenn Sabatka, Pete Bensen, Doug Chaiet

December 16, 2017 @ 9:00 am - 10:30 am
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Join us for a FREE Concert. Great original acoustic music and the stories behind the songs in an intimate Songwriters Showcase.

South County Regional Library21100 Three Oaks Parkway Estero 33928

Glenn Sabatka has been playing guitar and harmonica since the 1960-s.  He has been the harmonica player for many bands and has been a side-man on several artists’ recordings. After working for Public Radio for thirty four years he retired from Florida Gulf Coast University’s public radio station   as Director. After retirement he started writing his own songs.  His music is a bit quirky with many terrible puns and word plays.  He likes when his audience laughs!

Pete Bensen. Americana music and playing guitar has been his love, muse, and best friend since childhood. Originally from New York, now living in Southwest Florida, Peter has performed for over 15,000 listeners of his regular StreetJelly.com online e-concerts. That’s StreetJelly.com/PeteBensen. He regularly performs at the Fort Myers Music Walk and is no stranger to local open mics and rehearsal studios

Doug Chaiet is a local singer songwriter who is known for his fingerpicking style guitar playing.

Date: December 16, 2017
Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Address: 21100 Three Oaks Parkway
Estero, FL 33928 United States

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